

Client: Springfield Avenue Partnership
Category: Merchants Association
Scope: brand identity
Project Objectives:
Springfield Avenue is a half mile long avenue of shops in Maplewood, NJ that is evolving. Once an uninspiring collection of nail salons, insurance companies and dollar stores, Springfield Avenue is on the rise. Higher-end boutiques, restaurants and specialty shops were moving in and elevating the strip. The only problem was, as a fairly major commuter street, few were taking notice of the transformation as they passed through or returning to shop, stroll and explore the newly energized neighborhood.

As a pro-bono project Verhaal partnered with the Springfield Avenue Merchants Association board of directors to design and execute a contemporary, colorful and eye-catching brand identity that would breathe new life into the district and create a visual signal of the positive change that was taking place.

pattern strip.png
Stationery mock-up 2_PV1.jpg